LiteBox3D is a free, user-friendly JT viewer. Based on the specification of the JT ISO standard, PLMXML, STEP AP242 XML, OBJ, WRL and TIFF files can be accessed. This viewer, can be expanded with add-on applications for IP protection, model comparison and quality validation. LiteBox3D Pro extends the capabilities of the free viewer with features such as redlining, 3DHTML export and more. For a full list of the features, take a look below.




Open Standards

TECHNIA supports the CPO Initiative (Code of PLM Openness) and demonstrates with LiteBox3D that the JT format is an open ISO standard. LiteBox3D reads JT formats based on the specification of the JT ISO 14306:2012 and not using any vendor or re-engineered toolkits.

High Performance

With direct access to the JT model based on the ISO description and 64 bit support, LiteBox3D enables the viewing of very large CAD models in JT format. Multithreading also ensures that files load quickly.

User-Friendly Interface

LiteBox3D is characterized by its user-friendliness. LiteBox3D is self-explanatory regarding its functions, users do not need any previous CAD knowledge for measuring, clipping and comparing assemblies.

Easy Integration

To enable the exchange of information between the different applications, LiteBox3D has an integration interface based on JAVA Eclipse. Furthermore, there is a DDE interface to communicate with programs from third-party providers, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Easy Installation and Management

Standard settings for all users can be controlled globally by the administrator, making software distribution easy. Different versions of LiteBox3D can be installed on the same machine.

Industry Trusted Solution

TECHNIA has been developing JT applications with a strong focus on customer benefits for 10 years. LiteBox3D is embedded in the Daimler supplier package. Suppliers have easy access to LiteBox3D and LiteComply and can therefore meet the requirements of the original equipment manufacturer as well as optimize their own processes.

LiteBox3D as a Platform for Process Applications

LiteComply, LiteDrop, LiteMachine and xCompare are additional process applications which extend the functionality of LiteBox3D. The Lite3D platform is also the basis for customer-specific software.

Free version for commercial usage

The free version of LiteBox3D Desktop viewer may be used unlimited for commercial usage.


You can find short videos on some functions in our YouTube playlist:
“LiteBox3D Desktop Tutorials”


Comparison between LiteBox (free) and LiteBox-Pro version:


Feature Free  Professional 
3D Viewing
Representation of JT (Version 8.1 – 10.5), TIFF, STEP AP242 XML, PLMXML, OBJ, WRL
View PMIs, Model Views, and Layer Filters (i)
Show model tree (i)
Multi-model view (i)
Ray tracing / high-end visualization (i) x
View watermarks (i)
Options for3D display
Switch between orthogonal & perspective projection
Customizable view (shaded, shaded with edges, tessellation)  (i)
Change the visibility of layers
Different highlighting modes  (i)  and ghosted highlighting  (i)
Cutting &
Generation of cuts (i)
Extended editing functionality (i) x
Measure (i)
Extended measurement (i) x
Edit properties (change, create, delete) x
Show PMI tree and properties  (i) x
Filter and show / hide properties
Geometry / topology analysis x
Redlining / Markups – Create & Save (Author) (i) x
Redlining / markups – loading & displaying (users)
Play scenes (i)
Move components (i) x
Create silhouette (i) x
User Interface
Multiple selection of components (Multiselect) (i)
Selectable mouse profile (i)
Multi-Language Support (English, German, Chinese)
Adjust the lighting x
3DHTML and BOM (i) export x
Printing properties (i)  & model views (i)
Take a snapshot (i)
Export of topology analysis (i) x
DDE interface for communication with other programs

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